Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Integration Engine 115
Using character string comparisons
For example, suppose you had an attribute in your external data store called
DATETIME and an attribute in a CI class called DateTime. If you define the update
query in a CI class data mapping as
g, then Integration Engine replaces the
DATETIME attribute with a value and passes the query to the target to qualify the
update operation on a record-by-record basis. In this case, any record that satisfies
the qualifer will be updated in the target.
Using character string comparisons
In some cases, when character string comparisons are run, a external data store
might add zeroes to a character field. If this occurs, the Integration Engine service
assumes that 0000000011 is 11. When an external character field that pads numbers
is used as a key field, the AR System cannot locate it. In other words, AR System
searches for 11, which does not match the 0000000011 in the external data store.
In this case, you must not map a character field in the external data store as a
number field in the AR System.
Determining if a record has an out-of-range
The AR System server workflow allows you to put a range limit on certain fields.
Integration Engine cannot transfer a particular record when one of the mapped
fields contains an out-of-range error.
For example, if the value in the source for an enumerated field is out of range, the
entire record fails during the transfer. Integration Engine cannot transfer the data
for the other fields and ignores the enumerated field because an enumerated field
always has a default choice (unknown to Integration Engine), and it cannot be left
Stopping the AR System server accidentally
when stopping the Integration Engine service
If you use the same terminal window to start the AR System server as you do to
start and stop the Integration Engine service, the AR System server is stopped, and
the system displays the following error message when you enter the command
(Ctrl+C) to stop the Integration Engine service:
390600: Another copy of the server is already running on the same RPC socket
390600: AR System server terminated -- fatal error encountered