56 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
AR System query syntax
When you use the AR System query syntax, you can supply any number of
operations. Each, however, must be concatenated with either
AND or OR, depending
on the condition you want. Table 3-10 describes the query syntax options.
Table 3-10: Query syntax options
Option Description
The field name to be used in the comparison. The fields are delimited by
dollar signs. For AR System queries,
<$field$> names a field on an
AR System form.
The value used in the comparison. Use the AR System query syntax, or
enter a data constant, for example,
$SALARY$ > 2000.
<operator> The relational operators are:
< Returns all the values in
<$field$> when the value is greater than
Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is less than <value>.
Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is equal to <value>.
Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is not equal to
Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is greater than or
equal to
Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is less than or equal
Parentheses are placed around strings. When you use multiple
operators to construct query criteria, parentheses are the first operators
Logical AND of the results of two conditions. (The result is true if both
conditions are true.)
Logical OR of the results of two conditions. (The result is true if either
condition is true.)
Negates the condition that follows. (If the condition is false, the result is
Performs a pattern search. For example, ‘Submitter’ LIKE “Bob” finds
all requests with a submitter name that begins with the letters
(such as Bobby Compton).
Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is in the list of values
<value>. This differs from = in that the <value> must be a list.
NOT IN Returns all the values in <$field$> when the value is not in the list of
values in
<value>. This differs from != in that the <value> must be a list.