Chapter 4 Activating event-driven data exchanges 77
Creating a request on the Application Pending form
In the Other Short field, type the key or the AR System request ID for the record
that you want to include in the data exchange, or invoke all records configured for
a data exchange using one or more of the parameters in Table 4-2.
The -k or -r parameter is used to select individual records for exchange and must
be accompanied by the
-s parameter. If the -b parameter is used to invoke the
exchange of all records, the -s parameter is not used.
The Other Long field is completed by Integration Engine after the completion of
the data exchange. This field enables printing of the final exchange completion
statistics. For example, how many records were inserted or updated.
11 In the Status options, select Pending.
12 Click Save.
Table 4-2: Data Exchange parameters
Parameter Description
-s <data_exchange_name>
Specifies the data exchange to use. The data exchange name
is the value you typed in the Exchange Name field on the
Main tab of the EIE:DataExchange form. This parameter is
mandatory if you want to specify individual records for
exchange rather than invoking a bulk transfer.
-k <key_value>
Specifies the key value of the record you want to transfer.
Every key value that you enter must have a corresponding
entry on the Primary Key Mapping tab of the
EIE:ARMappingInfo form. You must enter multiple key
values if multiple key fields are defined on the Primary Key
Mapping tab.
Note: If you want a space to be recognized as a space, add
single quotes around the value. For example, to enter the
last name Van Arc as a single value, enclose it in quotation
marks: -k ‘Van Arc’ Vicki.
-r <request_id>
Specifies the AR System request ID of the record you want
to transfer. You can use this parameter to request a record
only if your data exchange already contains a data mapping
for the form to which this record is transferred.
Note: The -r parameter is not supported for data exchanges
between an external data store and BMC Atrium CMDB
Note: You can specify one or more request IDs (for example:
-r 0000001472 -r 0000003742).
-b <data_exchange_name>
Specifies that a bulk data transfer of all data defined for a
data exchange is to occur.