98 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Log messages
Log messages record all major events about data exchanges and individual record
transfers. All log events are recorded both in the Integration Engine log file and the
EIE:Log form.
Log messages are useful but provide only broad information about events and
errors. For more detailed information, you should also use the log of debug events
to assist you in understanding the nature of problems that you encounter and how
to correct them.
Logging is controlled by the Logging parameter in
eie.cfg. Both the Logging
parameter and the
eie.cfg file are explained in greater detail in Chapter 5,
“Running and configuring the Integration Engine service.”
Log messages are sorted into several event categories. Each category has both
informational messages and error messages.
You can use the log message categories to determine what kind of workflow to
generate. For example, you might want to write workflow to send notifications
based on log message numbers or categories to the individuals in your company
who are responsible for managing various parts of the data exchanges.
Table 6-1 shows the supported log message event categories.
Table 6-1: Log message event categories
Category Description
Service Status Indicates when a data exchange starts and when it ends.
Session Statistics Provides statistics about the number of records processed for the main
mapping of a data exchange. The count includes records added,
updated, or not transferred due to an error.
Service Error Indicates an error with a data exchange that prevents the data
exchange from taking place.
Transfer Warning Indicates that a transfer was made despite a possible problem, such as
data truncated to fit a field. The key of the request is provided in the
message text.
Transfer Error Indicates that a transfer was not made due to a problem, such as a data
conversion error. The error message indicates the key of the record
that failed and any associated AR System server error messages. More
detailed information about why a record was not transferred is
recorded in the debug file (if debugging is activated).
Adapter Error Indicates that the adapter could not be used by Integration Engine.
This could be the result of an invalid registry entry, a .
dll file not in
the correct path, and so on.