
Chapter 3 Defining rules and queries 67
Using the adapter rule helper utilities
Click the Database Connection tab.
The database login information appears.
Figure 3-4: Database Connection tab
You use the Database Connection tab to define connection information to locate
the SQL Server database (used as a rule source) and the AR System server where
the Data Exchange application is installed.
4 In the Microsoft SQL Server Connection area, do the following tasks:
a In the Database Server field, type the name of the Windows host where the SQL
Server database is installed.
b In the Database Name field, type the name of the SQL Server database from
which the Rule Helper utility obtains table and view definitions.
c In the User Name field, type the user name for connecting to the SQL Server
The user must have privileges to read the system catalog to obtain the definition
of the database objects used in the exchange. The user must also have access to
the objects used in the data exchange.
d In the Password field, type the password associated with the user name used to
connect to the SQL Server database.
e To enable Windows authentication for database connection, select the Enable
Windows Authentication check box.
For example, the user who is logged on to Integration Engine, will be considered
for database authentication.