30 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
AR server
The password for the AR System
administrator. The default
password for administrator Demo
is an empty string.
DB2 Database Information window
Note: This window and corresponding fields only appear if you select the Custom mode
of installation and the DB2 adapter from the custom installation window.
Database Alias DB2 database alias name.
Username DB2 database user name.
Password DB2 database password.
DB2 Instance DB2 instance.
SQL Server Database Information window
Note: This window and corresponding fields only appear if you selected the Custom mode
of installation and SQL adapter from the custom installation window.
SQL Server
SQL server computer name.
SQL database name.
Connect using Option to select whether you want
to connect using Windows
authentication or SQL Server
Authentication using a Username
and Password.
Username SQL server user name.
Password SQL server password.
Oracle Database Information window
Note: This window and corresponding fields only appear if you selected the Custom mode
of installation and Oracle adapter from the custom installation window.
Oracle Home
Directory where you want the
Oracle database to be installed.
Database SID Database system identifier (SID).
Database Alias Databse alias.
Username Oracle database user name.
Password Oracle database password.
Choose Destination Location window
The folder where the product is
installed. The default folders are:
Files\BMC Software\BMC Atrium
Integration Engine\<server
name>-<port number>
UNIX: /usr/bmc/apps/aie/
<server name>-<port number>/
Entry or
Description Enter your information