86 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Running the Integration Engine service on
When installing Integration Engine, you can choose to start the Integration Engine
service in automatic or manual mode. Selecting manual mode prevents the
Integration Engine service from starting automatically before you are ready to run
in production mode.
X To run the Integration Engine service from a command line
Type the following parameters on the command line in the directory where the
Integration Engine executable is located (for example,
<eie_install_dir>\service\bin) using the parameters in Table 5-1:
eie.exe -x <AR Server name> -p <port number> -n <instance name> -m
One of the following messages appear:
If Integration Engine was able to execute the data exchanges, then this message
The engine is running and has detected n active data exchanges on
If Integration Engine is not able execute the data exchanges then the following
message appears:
Failed to retrieve any active data exchange defined on AR System: STUDIO
There could be three reasons for this to occur:
You did not select any data exchange as active.
The AR System user assigned to Integration Engine in the Integration Engine
Application console does not have administrator privileges.
You did not select a data mapping for the active data exchange definition.
If you change the eie.cfg file to solve the problem, then stop and restart the service
to continue.
Table 5-1: EIE service command-line parameters for Windows
Parameter Description
-m Indicates that the Integration Engine service is running from the command
line. This parameter is required for both Windows and UNIX.
-x AR server name on which Integration Engine is installed.
-n Instance name which user wants to run.
-p Port number for AR.