About Your Documentation
This guide includes instructions for setting up your scanner and software, installing
the optional TPU and ADF, and viewing your electronic manuals, plus scanning tips
and troubleshooting advice.
For instructions on using the optional equipment, see your
EPSON Expression 836XL
User’s Guide
in the Manuals folder on the EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools
CD-ROM. Your electronic reference guide also provides scanner specifications and
additional troubleshooting and maintenance information.
For details on using the software, see the electronic
EPSON TWAIN Pro User’s Guide
ISIS Driver User’s Guide
, or
MonacoSCAN User’s Guide
. These guides are located in
the Manuals folder on the EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM.
The electronic manuals for Photoshop 5.0 LE and LaserSoft SilverFast 4.0 are located
on the CD-ROMs for those applications.
You must have Adobe Acrobat
Reader 4.0 installed on your
system before you can view the electronic manuals. If you
haven’t already installed Acrobat Reader, see page 42.