Prerequisite and Related Information
Use the AS/400 Information Center as your starting point for looking up AS/400
technical information. You can access the Information Center from the AS/400e
Information Center CD-ROM (English version: SK3T-2027-01) or from one of these
Web sites:
The AS/400 Information Center contains important topics such as logical parti-
tioning, clustering, Java, TCP/IP, Web serving, and secured networks. It also con-
tains Internet links to Web sites such as the AS/400 Online Library and the AS/400
Technical Studio. Included in the Information Center is a link that describes at a
high level the differences in information between the Information Center and the
Online Library.
For a list of related publications, see the “Bibliography” on page 439.
How to Send Your Comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and high-quality
information. IBM welcomes any comments about this book or any other AS/400
If you prefer to send comments by mail, use the the following address:
IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory
Information Development
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xvi ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide