Using the CRTBNDRPG Command
command. For more information see Chapter 7, “Creating a Program with
the CRTRPGMOD and CRTPGM Commands” on page 73.
You can use the CRTBNDRPG command interactively, in batch, or from a
Command Language (CL) program. If you are using the command interactively and
require prompting, type CRTBNDRPG and press F4 (Prompt). If you need help,
type CRTBNDRPG and press F1 (Help).
Table 5 summarizes the parameters of the CRTBNDRPG command and shows
their default values.
Table 5 (Page 1 of 2). CRTBNDRPG Parameters and Their Default Values Grouped by Function
Program Identification
PGM(*CURLIB/*CTLSPEC) Determines created program name and library
SRCFILE(*LIBL/QRPGLESRC) Identifies source file and library
SRCMBR(*PGM) Identifies file member containing source specifications
TEXT(*SRCMBRTXT) Provides brief description of program
Program Creation
GENLVL(10) Conditions program creation to error severity (0-20)
| OPTION(*DEBUGIO)| *DEBUGIO/*NODEBUGIO, determines if breakpoints are gener-
| ated for input and output specifications
OPTION(*GEN) *GEN/*NOGEN, determines if program is created
| OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT)| Specifies how the compiler generates statement numbers for
| debugging
DBGVIEW(*STMT) Specifies type of debug view, if any, to be included in program
OPTIMIZE(*NONE) Determines level of optimization, if any
REPLACE(*YES) Determines if program should replace existing program
BNDDIR(*NONE) Specifies the binding directory to be used for symbol resolution
USRPRF(*USER) Specifies the user profile that will run program
AUT(*LIBCRTAUT) Specifies type of authority for created program
TGTRLS(*CURRENT) Specifies the release level the object is to be run on
ENBPFRCOL(*PEP) Specifies whether performance collection is enabled
DEFINE(*NONE) Specifies condition names that are defined before the compilation
PRFDTA(*NOCOL) Specifies the program profiling data attribute
Compiler Listing
OUTPUT(*PRINT) Determines if there is a compiler listing
INDENT(*NONE) Determines if indentation should show in listing, and identifies
character for marking it
Specifies the contents of compiler listing
Data Conversion Options
CVTOPT(*NONE) Specifies how various data types from externally described files
are handled
58 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide