Compiler Listings
Table 32 (Page 2 of 2). Sections of the Compiler Listing
| Listing Section
| Description
Code generation errors
Errors (if any) which occur during code generation
Binding section
Errors (if any) which occur during binding phase for
| 1. The information contained in the listing section is dependent on whether *SRCSTMT or *NOSRCSTMT is
| specified for the OPTION parameter. For details on how this information changes, see "*NOSRCSTMT Source
| Heading" on page 430 and "*SRCSTMT Source Heading" on page 430. *SRCSTMT allows you to request
| that the compiler use SEU sequence numbers and source IDs when generating statement numbers for debug-
| ging. Otherwise, statement numbers are associated with the Line Numbers of the listing and the numbers are
| assigned sequentially.
2. The OPTION column indicates what value to specify on the OPTION parameter to obtain this information. A
blank entry means that the information will always appear if OUTPUT(*PRINT) is specified.
3. The sections containing the code generation errors and binding errors appear only if there are errors. There is
no option to suppress these sections.
Reading a Compiler Listing
The following text contains a brief discussion and an example of each section of
the compiler listing. The sections are presented in the order in which they appear in
a listing.
The prologue section summarizes the command parameters and their values as
they were processed by the CL command analyzer. If *CURLIB or *LIBL was speci-
fied, the actual library name is listed. Also indicated in the prologue is the effect of
overrides. Figure 214 on page 425 illustrates how to interpret the Prologue section
| of the listing for the program MYSRC, which was compiled using the CRTBNDRPG
424 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide