Chapter 5. Entering Source Statements
This chapter provides the information you need to enter RPG source statements. It
also briefly describes the tools necessary to complete this step.
To enter RPG source statements into the system, use one of the following
Interactively using SEU
Interactively using CODE/400
Initially, you may want to enter your source statements into a file called
QRPGLESRC. New members of the file QRPGLESRC automatically receive a
default type of RPGLE. Furthermore, the default source file for the ILE RPG com-
mands that create modules and bind them into program objects is QRPGLESRC.
IBM supplies a source file QRPGLESRC in library QGPL. It has a record length of
112 characters.
Note: You can use mixed case when entering source. However, the ILE
RPGcompiler will convert most of the source to uppercase when it compiles
it. It will not convert literals, array data or table data.
Creating a Library and Source Physical File
Source statements are entered into a member of a source physical file. Before you
can enter your program, you must have a library and a source physical file.
To create a library, use the CRTLIB command. To create a source physical, use
the Create Source Physical file (CRTSRCPF) command. The recommended record
length of the file is 112 characters. This record length takes into account the new
ILE RPG structure as shown in Figure 26.
12 80 20
Code Comments
Minimum Record Length
(92 characters)
Recommended Record Length
(112 characters)
Figure 26. ILE RPG Record Length Breakdown
Since the system default for a source physical file is 92 characters, you should
explicitly specify a minimum record length of 112. If you specify a length less than
92 characters, the program may not compile since you may be truncating source
For more information about creating libraries and source physical files, refer to the
ADTS for AS/400: Source Entry Utility
manual and the
ADTS/400: Programming
Development Manager
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 51