
Compiler Listings
| with the next sequence number in the listing: sequence number 001700. The three
| intervening lines are assigned the SEU sequence numbers from the /COPY source
| member. The corresponding statement numbers are genereated from source IDs
| and SEU sequence numbers of the root and /COPY source members.
| Seq <--------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------------------------><---- Comments ----> Statement
| Number ....1....+....2....+<-------- 26 - 35 -------->....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Number
| 001500 C MOVE '123' BI_FLD1 001500
| 001600 C/COPY MYCPY 971104 001600
| *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
| * RPG member name . . . . . : MYCPY * 5
| * External name . . . . . . : RPGGUIDE/QRPGLESRC(MYCPY) * 5
| * Last change . . . . . . . : 98/07/24 16:20:04 * 5
| * Text 'description' . . . . : Text on copy member * 5
| *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
| 000100+C Blue(1) DSPLY 5000100
| 000200+C Green(4) DSPLY 5000200
| 000300+C Red(2) DSPLY 5000300
| 001700 C *in20 doweq *OFF 001700
Figure 216. Sample Section of the Listing with OPTION(*SRCSTMT)
| Figure 217 on page 428 shows the entire source section for MYSRC with
| OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT) specified.
Appendix D. Compiler Listings 427