Converting Your Source
In addition to object-authority requirements, there may be additional storage
requirements. Each converted source program is, on average, about 25 percent
larger than the size of the program before conversion. To use the Conversion Aid
you need sufficient storage to store the converted source files.
What the Conversion Aid Won't Do
The Conversion Aid does not support conversion from the RPG IV format back
to the RPG III or RPG/400 format.
The RPG IV compiler does not support automatic conversion of RPG III or
RPG/400 source members to the RPG IV source format
at compile time
The Conversion Aid does not support converting RPG II source programs to
the RPG IV source format. However, you can use the RPG II to RPG III Con-
version Aid first and then the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid.
The Conversion Aid does not re-engineer source code, except where required
(for example, the number of conditioning indicators.)
The Conversion Aid does not create files. The log file and the output file must
exist prior to running it.
Converting Your Source
This section explains how to convert source programs to the RPG IV format. It
discusses the command CVTRPGSRC, which starts the Conversion Aid, and how
to use it.
To convert your source code to the RPG IV format, follow these general steps:
1. If you use a data area as a control specification, you must create a new data
area in the RPG IV format. Refer to the chapter on control specifications in
RPG for AS/400 Reference
for more information.
2. Create a log file, if necessary.
Unless you specify LOGFILE(*NONE), there must be a log file for the Conver-
sion Aid to access. If you do not have one, then you can create one by using
the CRTDUPOBJ command. For more information, see “The Log File” on
page 381 and “Using the Log File” on page 396.
3. Create the file for the converted source members.
The Conversion Aid will not create any files. You must create the output file for
the converted source prior to running the CVTRPGSRC command. The recom-
mended name and record length for the output file is QRPGLESRC and 112
characters respectively. For additional file information see “File Considerations”
on page 380.
4. Convert your source using the CVTRPGSRC command.
You need to enter the name of the file and member to be converted. If you
accept the defaults, you will get a converted member in the file QRPGLESRC.
The name of the member will correspond to the name of the unconverted
source member. /COPY members will not be expanded in the converted source
member, unless it is of type RPT or RPT38. A conversion report will be gener-
See “The CVTRPGSRC Command” on page 383 for more information.
382 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide