OPM-Compatible Application
Chapter 3. Program Creation Strategies
There are many approaches you can take in creating programs using an ILE lan-
guage. This section presents three common strategies for creating ILE programs
using ILE RPG or other ILE languages.
1. Create a program using CRTBNDRPG to maximize OPM compatibility.
2. Create an ILE program using CRTBNDRPG.
3. Create an ILE program using CRTRPGMOD and CRTPGM.
The first strategy is recommended as a temporary one. It is intended for users who
have OPM applications and who, perhaps due to lack of time, cannot move their
applications to ILE all at once. The second strategy can also be a temporary one. It
allows you time to learn more about ILE, but also allows you to immediately use
some of its features. The third strategy is more involved, but offers the most flexi-
Both the first and second strategy make use of the one-step program creation
process, namely, CRTBNDRPG. The third strategy uses the two-step program cre-
ation process, namely, CRTRPGMOD followed by CRTPGM.
Strategy 1: OPM-Compatible Application
Strategy 1 results in an ILE program that interacts well with OPM programs. It
allows you to take advantage of RPG IV enhancements, but not all of the ILE
enhancements. You may want such a program temporarily while you complete your
migration to ILE.
Use the following general approach to create such a program:
1. Convert your source to RPG IV using the CVTRPGSRC command.
Be sure to convert all /COPY members that are used by the source you are
2. Create a program object using the CRTBNDRPG command, specifying
Specifying DFTACTGRP(*YES) means that the program object will run only in the
default activation group. (The default activation group is the activation group where
all OPM programs are run.) As a result, the program object will interact well with
OPM programs in the areas of override scoping, open scoping, and RCLRSC.
When you use this approach you cannot make use of ILE static binding. This
means that you cannot code a bound procedure call in your source, nor can you
use the BNDDIR or ACTGRP parameters on the CRTBNDRPG command when
creating this program.
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