Analyzing Your Conversion
Record address file (RAF) entries on extension specifications have been
replaced by the keyword RAFDATA on the File Description specification.
The line counter specifications have been eliminated. They have been replaced
by the keywords FORMLEN and FORMOFL on the file description specification.
See Lines 6 and 7.
All specification types have been expanded to allow for 10-character names for
fields and files.
In RPG IV, data structures (which are defined using definition specifications)
must precede the input specifications.
Note that in the converted source, the data structure DS1 (Line 11) has been
moved to precede the specification containing the FORMAT1 information (Line
In RPG III, named constants can appear in the middle of a data structure. This
is not allowed in RPG IV.
In the converted source, CONST1 (Line 16) has been moved to follow data
structure DS1 (Line 11).
If a specification is moved, any comment that precedes it is also moved.
In the converted source, the comments above CONST1 and DS1 were moved
with the following specifications.
In RPG III, to define an array as a data structure subfield, you define both the
array and a data structure subfield with the same name. This double definition
is not allowed in RPG IV. Instead you specify the array attributes when you
define the subfields using the new keyword syntax.
In this example, ARR1 is defined twice in the OPM version, but has been
merged into a single definition in converted source. See Lines 13 and 14.
The merging of RPG III array specifications may result in the reordering of the
array definitions. If the reordered arrays are compile-time arrays, then the
loading of array data may be affected. To overcome this problem, RPG IV pro-
vides a keyword format for the ** records. Following **, you enter one of the
keywords FTRANS, ALTSEQ, or CTDATA. If the keyword is CTDATA, you
enter the array or table name in positions 10 - 19.
In this example, the array ARR2 now precedes array ARR1, due to the merging
of the two RPG III specifications for ARR2. The Conversion Aid has inserted
the keywords and array names in the converted ** records, which ensures the
correct loading of the compile-time data. See Lines 29 and 31.
Note that array syntax has changed. The notation ARR1,3 in RPG III is
ARR1(3) in RPG IV. See line 28.
Analyzing Your Conversion
The Conversion Aid provides you with two ways to analyze your conversion results.
They are:
The conversion error report
The log file
Appendix B. Using the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid 393