Table 1. Changed Language Elements Since V4R2
| Language Unit| Element| Description
| Control specifi-
| cation keywords
| OPTION(*{NO}SRCSTMT)| *SRCSTMT allows you to request
| that the compiler use SEU sequence
| numbers and source IDs when gen-
| erating statement numbers for
| debugging. Otherwise, statement
| numbers are associated with the
| Line Numbers of the listing and the
| numbers are assigned sequentially.
| OPTION(*{NO}DEBUGIO)| *{NO}DEBUGIO, determines if break-
| points are generated for input and
| output specifications.
| Definition spec-
| ification
| keywords
| INZ(*EXTDFT)| All externally described data struc-
| ture subfields can now be intialized
| to the default values specified in the
| DDS.
| INZ(*USER)| Any character field or subfield can
| be initialized to the name of the
| current user profile.
| OVERLAY(name:*NEXT)| The special value *NEXT indicates
| that the subfield is to be positioned
| at the next available position within
| the overlayed field.
| a value or constant parameter in a
| function prototype indicates that the
| character, graphic, or UCS-2 value
| passed as a parameter is to be right
| adjusted before being passed on the
| procedure call.
| Definition spec-
| ification posi-
| tions 33-39 (To
| Position/Length)
| 3 and 20 digits allowed for
| I and U data types
| Added to the list of allowed values
| for internal data types to support
| 1-byte and 8-byte integer and
| unsigned data.
| Command
| parameter
| been added to the OPTION param-
| eter on the CRTBNDRPG and
| CRTRPGMOD commands.
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