Creating a Module Object
Table 6 (Page 2 of 2). CRTRPGMOD Parameters and Their Default Values Grouped by Function
DEFINE(*NONE) Specifies condition names that are defined before the compilation
PRFDTA(*NOCOL) Specifies the program profiling data attribute
Compiler Listing
OUTPUT(*PRINT) Determines if there is a compiler listing
INDENT(*NONE) Determines if indentation should show in listing, and identify char-
acter for marking it
Specifies the contents of compiler listing
Data Conversion Options
CVTOPT(*NONE) Specifies how various data types from externally described files
are handled
ALWNULL(*NO) Determines if the module will accept values from null-capable
FIXNBR(*NONE) Determines which decimal data that is not valid is to be fixed by
the compiler
Run-Time Considerations
SRTSEQ(*HEX) Specifies the sort sequence table to be used
| OPTION(*DEBUGIO)| *DEBUGIO/*NODEBUGIO, determines if breakpoints are gener-
| ated for input and output specifications
LANGID(*JOBRUN) Used with SRTSEQ to specify the language identifier for sort
TRUNCNBR(*YES) Specifies action to take when numeric overflow occurs for
packed-decimal, zoned-decimal, and binary fields in fixed format
When requested, the CRTRPGMOD command creates a compiler listing which is
for the most part identical to the listing that is produced by the CRTBNDRPG
command. (The listing created by CRTRPGMOD will never have a binding section.)
For information on using the compiler listing, see “Using a Compiler Listing” on
page 63. A sample compiler listing is provided in Appendix D, “Compiler Listings”
on page 423.
Creating a NOMAIN Module
In this example you create an NOMAIN module object TRANSSVC using the
CRTRPGMOD command and its default settings. TRANSSVC contains prototyped
procedures that perform transaction services for procedures in other modules. The
source for TRANSSVC shown in Figure 36 on page 76. The prototypes for the pro-
cedures in TRANSSVC are stored in a /COPY member, as shown in Figure 37 on
page 78.
1. To create a module object, type:
The module will be created in the library MYLIB with the name specified in the
command, TRANSSVC. The source for the module is the source member
TRANSSVC in file QRPGLESRC in the library MYLIB.
Chapter 7. Creating a Program with the CRTRPGMOD and CRTPGM Commands 75