Specifies possible error numbers plus their meaning. The error number, plus
the corresponding text can be requested by sending the SYSTem:ERROR? or
STATus:QUEue? query.
Front panel compliance:
Specifies the compliance with front panel operations.
It is advised to send the commands
RST and
CLS first, before executing the
programming examples in this chapter. In this way the oscilloscope is reset to
default settings (
RST) and the status data cleared (
Be aware of coupled commands during command execution. Coupling
information is described in the command descriptions. Coupling means that
an instrument may change other functions or values, which are not directly
programmed by sending this command.
Example: The vertical sensitivity is derived from the programmed peak-to-
peak value (SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe:PTPeak). The programmed
trigger level (TRIGger:LEVel) is adapted to the vertical sensitivity to
keep the signal display on the screen.
In the remote state the front panel keys will have no effect on programmed
settings. Local front panel control can be obtained by pressing the LOCAL key,
provided the instrument is not programmed Locally Locked Out (LLO). After
power on the oscilloscope is in its local state, i.e., controlled via the front
All commands and queries are sequential commands, except the INITiate,
INITiate:CONTinuous, and CALibration command (overlapped commands).
Note; Overlapped commands are commands that can be executed in overlap
with other commands. Sequential commands are commands that are
completed first, before a next command is executed.