Response: 525 | 625 | 1050 | 1125 | 1250
525 NTSC standard selected (525 lines/frame).
625 PAL (default) or SECAM standard selected (625
1050 HDTV standard selected (1050 lines/frame).
1125 HDTV standard selected (1125 lines/frame).
1250 HDTV standard selected (1250 lines/frame).
The minimum and maximum number of lines per frame depends on the TV
standard specified. If, for example, HDTV was selected, MINimum returns 1050
and MAXimum returns 1250.
Query form: TRIGger[:SEQuence[1]]:VIDeo:FORMat[:TYPE]?
Alias: TRIGger[:STARt]:VIDeo:FORMat[:TYPE]?
Response: PAL | SCAM | NTSC | HDTV
PAL PAL standard (625 lines/frame) selected.
SCAM SECAM standard (625 lines/frame) selected.
NTSC NTSC standard (525 lines/frame) selected.
HDTV HDTV standard (1050/1125/1250 lines/frame) selected.
The TRIGger:VIDeo:FORMat[:TYPE] command selects the standard video
system. The TRIGger:VIDeo:FORMat:LPFRame command does the same by
specifying the number of video lines, which also results in the selection of a video
standard. The number specified is rounded as follows:
0.. 575
→ 525 → NTSC
576 .. 837
→ 625 → PAL/SECAM (PAL is default)
838 .. 1087
→ 1050 → HDTV
1088 .. 1187
→ 1125 → HDTV
>= 1118
→ 1250 → HDTV
After a
RST command, lines triggering (ALL) and field number 1 are selected.