3.3.2 Benefits of using parameters
The generic form of a measurement instruction is as follows:
The :VOLTage keyword is a default node, which specifies the signal characteristic
to be measured, relates to the voltage component of the signal. The
<measure_function> specifies the desired signal characteristic.
The parameters can be used to provide additional information to the instrument
about the expected signal and the desired result. The oscilloscope uses this
information to determine the best settings for the requested task. As the syntax
shows, the parameters can be left out (defaulted). In that case, the oscilloscope
chooses it own settings based upon the actual available input signal and its own
trade-offs. The result of defaulting parameters is that the measurement needs
more time to complete.
The VOLTage parameters relate to the :VOLTage node in the header. These
parameters specify the expected voltage and the desired resolution:
<voltage_parameters> = [<expected_voltage>[,<resolution>]]
The expected voltage in the parameter specification is assumed to be the value
at the BNC input of the oscilloscope. When a detectable probe is attached, it is
assumed to be the value at the probe tip.
When the <expected voltage> parameter is defaulted, the oscilloscope performs
an autorange, which needs some additional time. When a particular value was
specified instead, the oscilloscope immediately selects the range next higher to
the specified voltage, omitting the relative time-consuming autoranging.
Notice that when voltage parameters are used, the :VOLtage node must be sent
explicitly in the command header. Or, in other words, when the :VOLTage node is
defaulted, the voltage parameters must also be defaulted.