As the example already shows, the commands are easy to learn and self-
explanatory to both novice and expert users. The learning curve is considerably
decreased for new instruments or instrument functions with which the
programmer is not familiar.
Efficiency is not only gained when creating or debugging new application
programs. The easily understandable programs greatly simplify maintenance and
modification of existing application programs that have been written by other
persons or for other instrument functions.
All major CombiScope instrument functions are controlled by standard SCPI
commands. Although the functionality provided is the same, the way the
oscilloscope is controlled via the remote interface differs in some aspects from the
front panel operation. This is because the local front panel operation is designed
to allow you to take maximum advantage of the interactive communication
possibilities offered by the display screen. This allows for additional information
and guidance during the process of local operation.
The remote command set is based upon an instrument model that is easy to
understand. This model provides a structured survey of the implemented
instrument functions and serves as a guide towards the commands that control
these functions. This other view allows for optimal and easy access of the
instrument functions when operated from the remote interface. Additionally, a
measurement instruction set allows for easy programming of measurement tasks
for a wide variety of signal characteristics.