Functions in a particular subsystem are always controlled by commands that
begin with the name of that subsystem. For example, a command that programs
the input coupling is INPut:COUPling DC.
All programmable settings can be queried easily. The query form is obtained from
the command by simply removing the parameter and adding a question mark. For
example, the command to program the input impedance of your oscilloscope is
INPut:IMPedance 50. This impedance value can be queried by sending
INPut:IMPedance? which returns 50.
3.2.3 Instrument setup
This concept allows you to program instrument settings with a single command.
Several instrument setups can be saved, either created by remote programming
or by front panel control. This concept can also be used to program instrument
functions that cannot be directly accessed using individual program instructions.
Complete instrument setups can be saved either in the internal memory of the
oscilloscope or externally in the remote controller. A part of the instrument setup
can also be saved externally.
The oscilloscope is equipped with a number of internal memories in which the
complete instrument set up can be saved and from which it can be restored.
SAV 3 Saves the current set up into memory 3.
RCL 3 Recalls the instrument set up that was saved in memory 3.
Instead of using an internal oscilloscope memory, the instrument setup can be
queried using the SYSTem:SET? query. The result of this query is that the
oscilloscope sends a part or the complete setup in a compact block data format.
Sending this data back as a parameter with the SYSTem:SET command
reprograms the oscilloscope to the same settings.
Example for the complete instrument settings:
→ SYSTem:SET? Queries the oscilloscope for the complete
instrument setup.
← <block_data> Reads the <block_data> response, which
contains the requested instrument setup,
from the oscilloscope.
→ SYSTem:SET <block_data> Sends the previously read instrument
setup back to the oscilloscope in the
same <block_data> format.