
40 334135B
HydraCheck Kit Installation, 24W336
NOTE: The HydraCheck kit is intended to be used with
low viscosity materials to minimize splashing. It is not
intended to be used as a timer or flow control device.
Prepare Machine for Kit Installation
1. Navigate to the Maintenance screen.
2. Press the Retract Piston button ( ).
3. Relieve system pressure. See Pressure Relief Pro-
cedure, page 33.
4. Loosen the machine shield screws.
5. Remove the machine shield.
Install HydraCheck Shock
6. Install the shock absorber through the opening in
the pump sub-assembly with the groove for the snap
ring on the back of the pump assembly. The shock
absorber can be inserted through the front.
7. Install the shock snap ring (included with shock, not
shown) onto the shock absorber in the groove far-
thest from the pump sub-assembly.
8. Install set screw and torque to 85 in-lb (9.6 N•m).
Be sure that system pressure is relieved and disabled
before proceeding.
IG. 11: HydraCheck Installation - Fixed Ratio Base