G5959Z 12" Left-Tilting Table Saw -23-
The fence-clamping mechanism has been adjust-
ed at the factory to provide the right amount of
clamping pressure to hold your fence securely.
Should it eventually need adjustment:
1. Loosen the clamping arm.
2. Remove the fence from the saw and adjust
the setscrews equally on the rear side of the
front bracket as shown in Figure 28.
3. Replace the fence and check the clamping
strength. Re-adjust until proper pressure is
Figure 28. Setscrew adjustments.
Align the fence alongside the miter slot as shown
in Figure 29, and lock it down. If the fence is not
perfectly parallel to the miter slot:
1. Release the clamping mechanism.
2. Remove the fence from the saw and adjust
the setscrews on the rear side of the front
bracket as shown in Figure 28. Make very
minor adjustments and recheck by reclamp-
ing the fence along the miter slot after each
adjustment. Keep in mind that a small turn of
the setscrew can make a large difference
over the length of the fence. Be sure clamp-
ing pressure is still adequate.
Figure 28. Fence aligned parallel to miter slot.
Nylon Pads