HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4.5 Welding System User Manual

Overall WEBES Release Notes
1.6 WEBES Known Issues
Rev. 9/8/06
1–22 Web-Based Enterprise Services Release Notes
You can safely ignore this message. There is no impact to WEBES or WCCProxy installation
or operation.
1.6.4 OpenVMS WEBES Issues
These issues apply to WEBES on OpenVMS: Set ODS-5 Attributes Before Issuing WEBES CLI
The following applies only if your system disk or the disk to which you have installed WEBES
is an ODS-5 disk.
Before issuing any WEBES CLI command (desta, wsea, wccat, or wccproxy), issue the
following command to assign certain ODS-5 settings required for the WEBES command to
operate properly:
After completing the WEBES command, you can revert to your previous settings for CASE
and PARSE using the above command with different keywords. To find out your current
settings before changing them, issue the following command: (partial output shown)
{ ... }
Parse Style: Traditional
Case Lookup: Blind
This is only an example. Your output may show the "Sensitive" or "Extended" keywords
If you do not issue the above "SET" command, and you have Case-Sensitive or Parse Style
Extended settings on your process, WEBES CLI commands will return errors such as the
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening
_NUTE$DKA0:[sys0.syscommon.hp.svctools.][common.bin]desta.com; as input
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening
_NUTE$DKA0:[sys0.syscommon.hp.svctools.][common.bin]wsea.com; as input
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening
m; as input
-RMS-E-DNF, directory not found
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file
WEBES CLI commands on OpenVMS have not yet been developed to be case-sensitive for
ODS-5 support.