HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4.5 Welding System User Manual

System Event Analyzer
2.3 SEA Known Issues
Rev. 9/8/06
2–12 Web-Based Enterprise Services Release Notes “overwrite file if exists” Option in SEA WUI is not
Working while Creating New Binary Error Log
When you click on the "New Binary Error Log Creation" icon in the SEA WUI tool bar, add a
new file in the “Add File to Input List” tab, create a new binary with the same name as created
in the first attempt, and select the option “overwrite file if exists”, a dialog appears as “Output
file exists and the overwrite option was not selected. The original file was not overwritten” is
To avoid this problem, manually delete the existing file before re-creating it, or choose a
different file name. Enabling Text Entry in Other Logs Pane
When enabled, the text entry field in the Add Logs screen allows users to add log files by
entering the path and filename for an event log located anywhere in the file system. In order to
enter a file name into the text entry field, the log file must have a .
sys, .evt, .zpd, or .errlog
The text field can only be enabled for users you specify in the
CA.WUI.OLText key. It cannot be
enabled for all users unless you list each user individually.
The list of usernames assigned to the
CA.WUI.OLText key corresponds to the user profile entered
by the user at the SEA logon screen. SEA profiles and usernames are not related to the id a
user enters to log onto a machine, and they are not authenticated by SEA during the logon
process. It is therefore the responsibility of those with knowledge text entry enabled user
profiles to protect them from unauthorized use (i.e., not allowing open access to event logs
anywhere on the system).
For more information, see Section 7.7.3 in the System Event Analyzer User Guide. Node Name Change Causes Connection or Notification
If the network name of a system changes, the change must be reflected in the web interface.
After a node's network name changes, the old network name remains in the web interface and
the connection to the node is lost. This occurs even if the name change occurs on the localhost.
Thus, for name changes on any node, click on the node's group icon in the navigation tree and
delete the old node name. Then add the node again using the new name. In addition, remove
the line beginning
WCCProxy.owner from the file, {installed
so that whenever WEBES is
upgraded or re-installed in the future, it will not attempt to use the old hostname. Instead, it
will replace the line with the correct current hostname.