
HP4402.book : chapter3.fm 22 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Menu Reference
Front Panel Menu Reference "System/Inputs" Menu
3-22 HP E4419B User’s Guide
Press this softkey to select the serial port for remote
operation using the RS422 Standard.
Press this softkey to access a menu which allows you to either
configure the HP-IB interface or the serial interface
Press this softkey to access a menu which allows you to set
the HP-IB address.
Press this softkey to set the HP-IB address of your power
meter between 0 and 30. The default value is 13. A pop up
window appears on the screen. Use the , ,
and hardkeys to change the value. To confirm your
choice press . Refer to “HP-IB Address”, on
page 2-59 for further information.
Press this softkey to access a menu which allows you to set
baud rate, word size, parity, number of stop bits, pacing and
echo for the serial interface.
Press this key to set the serial interface baud rate. The
default value is 9600. A pop up window appears on the
screen giving a range of values (50,75,110,150, 300, 1200,
1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K or 115.2K).
Press this softkey to set the serial interface word length. A
pop up window appears on the screen giving a selection of
7 or 8.
Press this softkey to set the serial interface number of stop
bits. A pop up window appears on the screen giving a
selection of 1 or 2.
Press this softkey to enable /disable parity and set the
parity type for the serial interface. A pop up window
Configure Interface
HP-IB Addr
Baud Rate
Word Size
Stop Bits