HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 59 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Power Meter Operation
Configuring the Remote Interface
HP E4419B User’s Guide 2-59
Configuring the Remote Interface
This section explains how to configure the power meter for remote control
using either the HP-IB parallel interface or the RS232/422 serial
interface. For further information on using the power meter remotely,
refer to the HP E4418B/E4419B Programming Guide.
To select HP-IB as the remote interface press ,
,,(IEEE 488).
HP-IB Address
Each device on the HP-IB (IEEE-488) interface must have a unique
address. You can set the power meter’s address to any value between 0
and 30. The address is set to 13 when the power meter is shipped from the
The address is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when
the power is switched off, or after a remote interface reset.
Your HP-IB bus controller has its own address. Avoid using the bus
controller’s address for any instrument on the interface bus.
Hewlett-Packard controllers generally use address 21.
To set the HP-IB address from the front panel:
1. Press , , ,
. The current setting of the HP-IB address is displayed
under the softkey.
2. To change this setting press . The power meter
displays the address in a pop up window. Modify this address (see
below) as desired.
■ Use or to modify the digit on which the cursor is
currently positioned.
■ Use or to move to other digits.
3. To confirm your choice press .
To set the HP-IB address from the remote interface use the:
• SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:ADDRess command.
Remote Interface Select Interface HPIB
Remote Interface Configure Interface
HP-IB Addr
HP-IB Addr