Proximity to edges
• Inadequate surfaces, incorrect operation, etc. can
cause the machine to slide. Exercise particular cau-
tion when working close to shafts, beside trenches
or when working at height.
• Always anchor the machine and loose tools when
working close to edges.
• Ensure that the machine is stable and does not
move closer to the edge while work is in progress.
• Ensure that the underlying surface has satisfactory
bearing capacity. Vibrations affect bearing capacity.
Uneven surfaces
• Extend the outriggers so that they are positioned
just above the surface when moving over uneven
• In some cases the arm can be used to lift the drive
gear over bumps. The arm must never be rotated
or raised up high due to the risk of overturning.
• Uneven surfaces can cause the machine to lean
to such an extent that it overturns. Manoeuvre the
machine’s arm system inwards in order to move
the centre of gravity as close to the machine’s cen-
tre as possible to reduce the risk of tipping.
• Surfaces with a poor bearing capacity can cause
the machine to change direction or even overturn
without warning. Always check the bearing capac-
ity and properties of the surface before starting the
machine. Also be alert for holes that are covered
by materials with a poor bearing capacity.
• The machine’s caterpillar tracks produce a low
level of friction against smooth surfaces. Water,
dust and contaminants can further reduce friction.
When defi ning the risk area you should take into
account the fact that less friction increases the risk
of the machine starting to slide.
Confi ned spaces
• Working in confi ned spaces with extended outrig-
gers can be diffi cult. The machine’s stability is con-
siderably diminished. Adapt the work accordingly.
There is an increased risk of the machine overturn-
ing if the arm swings outside the outrigger.
• When moving in confi ned spaces it is possible to
reduce the width of the tracks, increasing the risk
of the machine overturning. There is an increased
risk of the machine overturning if the arm swings
outside the outrigger.
Sloping ground
• Sloping surfaces, stairs, ramps etc. can constitute
major risks when moving and working. With gradi-
ents in excess of 35° there is a risk of the machine
• The machine’s arm system and outriggers must be
positioned as low as possible to reduce the risk of
• Do not run the caterpillar tracks and tower simul-
taneously when moving on a sloping surface to
reduce the risk of unexpected motion.
• Avoid driving sideways on slopes - drive straight
up or down. Ensure that the machine’s arm system
is turned upwards in sloping terrain.
• Always position yourself above the machine when
driving on a slope. There is a risk of the machine
• Anchor the machine if there is a risk of the machine
starting to move.
• Check that there is suffi cient bearing capacity
when driving on ramps and stairs.
Proximity to ducts and pipes
• Always check and mark where electricity cables
and pipelines are routed. Ensure that electricity
cables and pipelines are shut off.
• The machine must not get close to overhead ca-
bles. The current can “jump” over long distances.
Falling material
• Watch out for demolition material becoming loose
when cutting. Use personal safety equipment and
keep your distance.
• Ensure that the vibrations from the hydraulic ham-
mer do not cause cracks to form or stones or other
material to loosen and cause personal injury or
damage to property. Keep your distance!
English - 11