Call Processing
Making a Call
14 Strata CTX Attendant Console 09/02
BLF/DSS Dialing
The Busy Lamp Field/Direct Station Selection (BLF/DSS) tab provides a list of users,
their extensions, and telephone status (icons). You can make calls from this tab.
1. Press
1H[W7DE on the keyboard to select the BLF/DSS tab.
2. Use the up or down arrows on the keyboard to select an individual.
3. Press
5HOHDVH7UDQVIHU (Enter)keyon the keyboard.
1. Click the BLF/DSS tab.
2. Double click on an entry
...or select an entry, then press
5HOHDVH7UDQVIHU (Enter)on the keyboard.
Status icons indicate these calling conditions.
Station Idle Station Idle with Advisory Message
Station Busy Station Busy with Advisory Message
Station DND or “Not attached to the
local system”
Station DND with Advisory Message
Click to view
BLF/DSS lists