5 Fonts
5.1 Introduction
The GLK24064-25 comes loaded with the ’Small Filled’ and ’Futura Bk BT 16’ fonts by default how-
ever, it is capable of displaying any font that is uploaded to it in the correct format. MOGD# provides a
simple method of generating font files from your installed fonts. For instructions on how to install MOGD#
see Section 1.5.1 on page 7.
5.1.1 Font File Format
A font file consists of three parts, a header, a character table and bitmap data.
1. Header (4 bytes)
(a) Nominal Width (1 byte)
(b) Height (1 byte)
(c) ASCII Start Value (1 byte)
(d) ASCII End Value (1 byte)
2. Character Table (3 bytes for every character between the ASCII Start and End values inclusive)
(a) High Offset LSB (1 byte)
(b) Low Offset MSB(1 byte)
(c) Character Width (1 byte)
3. Bitmap Data
5.1.2 Creating a Font
The following is an example of how to create a font file for the letters h, i and j.
First you must create the bitmaps containing the character data in bitmap form. Figure 20 below illus-
trates the bit pattern for the h, i and j bitmap data.
Figure 20: Bitmaps for h, i, and j
Second you may begin to create the fontfile starting with theheader. The header will containthe nominal
width, the height and the ASCII start and end values inclusive that you wish to create characters for.
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 19