6.6 Auto Scroll Off
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x52
Decimal 254 82
ASCII 254 “R”
Description When auto scrolling is disabled, text will wrap to the top left corner of
the display area when the text reaches the end of the scroll row defined in
the font metrics (the bottom right character position) see Section 5.4 on
page 22. Existing text in the display area is not erased before new text is
placed. A series of spaces followed by a “Cursor Home” command may
be used to erase the top line of text.
Remembered Yes
Factory Default On
7 Bitmaps
7.1 Introduction
One of the main features of the GLK24064-25 is its ability to display bitmap images, that are either
loaded onto its on board memory, or written directly to the screen. This chapter will cover creating a bitmap,
uploading the bitmap, as well as drawing the bitmap from memory and directly.
7.2 Uploading a Bitmap File
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x5E [refID] [size] [data]
Decimal 254 94 [refID] [size] [data]
ASCII 254 “^” [refID] [size] [data]
Parameter Length Description
refID 1 A unique bitmap identification
size 2 Bitmap file size (LSB to MSB).
data x Bitmap data.
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 26