Remembered No
9.9 Assign Keypad Codes
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0xD5 [KDown] [KUp]
Decimal 254 213 [KDown] [KUp]
Parameter Length Description
KDown 25 Key down codes
KUp 25 Key up codes
Description This command will allow you to reassign the key codes that correspond
to the key presses on the matrix style key pad. The first twenty-five bytes
that are transmitted will be used for the key down codes and the next
twenty-five bytes that are transmitted will be used for the key up codes.
The default values of the key down codes are ’A-Y’ in order, and for the
key up codes the values are ’a-y’ in order.
Key Down
1 2 3 4 5
1 A B C D E
2 F G H I J
3 K L M N O
4 P Q R S T
5 U V W X Y
Key Up
1 2 3 4 5
1 a b c d e
2 f g h i j
3 k l m n o
4 p q r s t
5 u v w x y
Remembered Always
10 Display Functions
10.1 Introduction
The GLK24064-25 employs software controlled display settings, which allow for control over, clearing
the screen, changing the brightness and contrast or setting timers for turning it on or off. The combination
of these allow you complete software control over your display’s appearance.
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 39