Description This command clears any unread key presses. In a menu application, if
the user presses a key which changes the menu context, any following
key presses may be inaccurate and can be cleared out of the buffer be-
tween menu changes to prevent jumping around the menu tree. It may
also be used, in effect, to reset the keypad in case the host application
resets for whatever reason.
Remembered No
9.6 Set Debounce Time
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x55 [time]
Decimal 254 85 [time]
ASCII 254 “U” [time]
Parameter Length Description
time 1 Debounce time in increments of
6.554ms (0 - 255).
Description This command sets the time between key press and key read. All key
types with the exception of latched piezo switches will ’bounce’ for a
varying time, depending on their physical characteristics. The [time]
value is in increments of 6.554ms. The default debounce time for the
module is 8 (about 52ms), which is adequate for most membrane key-
Remembered Yes
Factory Default 8
9.7 Set Auto Repeat Mode
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x7E [mode]
Decimal 254 126 [mode]
ASCII 254 “~” [mode]
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 37