The last part of uploading a font file is to upload the file data. After transmitting each byte of the file the
module will echo the byte and wait for a confirmation byte of 0x01 until the file has completed uploading.
Below is an example of uploading the font file which we created in Section 5.1.2 on page 19.
Host: Transmit(0xFE); //Command Prefix
Transmit(0x24); //Font file upload command
Transmit(0x03); //Request file ID for font file
Module: Echo(0x03); //Accept request for file ID, by echoing the request
Host: Receive(); //Receive the echo
Confirm(0x01); //Confirm File ID
Transmit(0x19); //Transmit the file size LSB
Module: Echo(0x19); //Echo the LSB
File Size = 0x19
Host: Receive(); //Receive LSB echo
Confirm(0x01); //Confirm the LSB
Transmit(0x00); //Transmit MSB
Module: Echo(0x00); //Echo MSB
FileFits(0x01); //Send confirmation that the file fits
Host: Receive(); //Receive confirmation
Transmit(0x05); //Begin transmit of file data
Module: Echo(0x05); //Echo first byte from file
Host: Receive(); //Receive echo
Confirm(0x01); //Confirm echo
Transmit(0x07); //Transmit second byte of file data
• The GLK24064-25 has watch dog timer, set to 2.1 seconds in between transmissions,
in order prevent the display module from staying in a waiting state.
• Once the timeout has been reached the timer will reset the display and issue a 0xFE
0xD4 response to the host to signal that this has happened.
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 44