Description The GLK24064-25 is capable of storing up to sixty-four font and bitmap
files combined. In order to upload a bitmap to the GLK24064-25 you
must first initiate the upload font file command (0xFE 0x5E), you must
then pass it a reference identification number, which must be unique for
every font on the display module. You may then pass the display module
the two byte file size, which needs to be transfered LSB, then MSB. The
last part of uploading a bitmap is transmitting the bitmap file data.
For detailed instructions on uploading a file to the GLK24064-25 see
Section 11.1 on page 43.
Remembered Always
7.3 Drawing a Bitmap from Memory
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x62 [refID] [X] [Y]
Decimal 254 98 [refID] [X] [Y]
ASCII 254 “b” [refID] [X] [Y]
Parameter Length Description
refID 1 The bitmap identification number.
X 1 Left bounds.
Y 1 Top bounds.
Description This command will draw abitmap that is located inthe on board memory.
The bitmap is referenced by the bitmaps reference identification number,
which is established when the bitmap is uploaded to the display module.
The bitmap will be drawn beginning at the top left, from the specified
X,Y coordinates. A directory listing of the contents of the entire filesys-
tem may be obtained by using the “Get Filesystem Directory” command,
see Section 11.5 on page 46 for more detailed information.
Remembered No
7.4 Drawing a Bitmap Directly
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x64 [X] [Y] [W] [H] [D]
Decimal 254 100 [X] [Y] [W] [H] [D]
ASCII 254 “d” [X] [Y] [W] [H] [D]
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 27