Parameter Length Description
refID 1 Reference number
type 1 Type of bar graph.
x1 1 Left bounds.
y1 1 Top Bounds.
x2 1 Right Bounds.
y2 1 Bottom Bounds.
Description This command initializes a bar graph referred to by number [reference
number] of type [type] with size from (x1,y1) (top left) to (x2,y2)
(bottom right). A maximum of 16 bar graphs with reference numbers
from 0 to 15 can be initialized as:
[type] Direction Bar Start Point
0 Vertical Bottom
1 Horizontal Left
2 Vertical Top
3 Horizontal Right
The bar graphs may be located anywhere on the display, but if
they overlap, they will not display properly.
It is important that [x1] is less than [x2], and [y1] is less than [y2]. This
command doesn’t actually draw the graph, it must be filled in using the
Fill Bar Graph command. The unit saves time by only drawing that part
of the bar graph which has changed from the last write, so the represen-
tation on the screen may not survive a screen clear or other corrupting
action. A write of value zero, followed by new values will restore the
proper look of the bar graph.
Remembered No
8.9 Drawing a Bar Graph
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x69 [ref] [value]
Decimal 254 105 [ref] [value]
ASCII 254 “i” [ref] [value]
Parameter Length Description
ref 1 Initialized bar graph reference
value 1 The number of pixels to fill.
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 32