Description This command will return 4 bytes, LSB to MSB for how many bytes are
remaining in the 16 KB on board memory.
Remembered No
11.5 Get Filesystem Contents
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0xB3
Decimal 254 179
Description This command will return the contents of the file system directory.
The first byte returned will be a hex value representing the number of
entries in the filesystem, followed by four bytes for each entry. See the
following tables:
Filesystem Header
Bytes Description
1 Hex value representing the number
of entries in the filesystem
File Entry
Bytes Description
1 Flag: Hex value of 0x00 indicates
that this file entry has not been used.
1 FileID/Type: 1st bit is the file type
(0: Font, 1: Bitmap). Next 7 bits are
the file ID.
1 File Size: LSB
1 File Size: MSB
Remembered No
11.6 Downloading a File
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0xB2 [Type] [refID]
Decimal 254 178 [Type] [refID]
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 46