Description This command shifts the strip chart left or right. [ref] determines both
which strip chart is used and which direction it will shift. The direction
is selected by the most significant bit (MSB):
• MSB: 0 shifts left
• MSB: 1 shifts right
For example if [ref] is 1:
• 254 107 1 (hex FE 6B 01) shifts left
• 254 107 129 (hex FE 6B 81) shifts right
This command shifts the contents of the area defined in the Initialize
Strip Chart command 8 pixels at a time.
Remembered No
9 Keypad
9.1 Introduction
The GLK24064-25 supports up to a twenty-five key, matrix style, keypad and may be configured to
allow key presses to be automatically transmitted via RS-232 or polled through I
C. The GLK24064-25 also
allows for auto-repeating key presses, and remapping of all keypad character codes.
9.2 Auto Transmit Key Presses On
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x41
Decimal 254 65
ASCII 254 “A”
Description In this mode, all key presses are sent immediately to the host system
without the use of the poll keypad command. This is the default mode
on power up.
Remembered Yes
Factory Default On
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 35