6 Text
6.1 Introduction
The GLK24064-25 is an intelligent display module, designed to reduce the amount of code necessary
to begin displaying data. This means that it is able to display all characters and strings that are sent to it,
which are defined in the current font, without much, if any configuration. The display module will begin
displaying text at the top left corner of the display area, known as home, and continue to print to the display
as if it was a page on a typewriter. When the text reaches the bottom right, as defined in the font metrics, it
will automatically scroll all of the lines up and continue to display text.
6.2 Move Cursor Home
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x48
Decimal 254 72
ASCII 254 “H”
Description This command moves the text insertion point to the top left of the display
area, based on the current font metrics see Section 5.4 on page 22.
Remembered No
6.3 Setting the Cursor Position
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x47 [col] [row]
Decimal 254 71 [col] [row]
ASCII 254 “G” [col] [row]
Parameter Length Description
col 1 Column
row 1 Row
Description This command sets the text insertion point to the [col] and [row] speci-
fied. The insertion point is positioned using the base size of the current
font (this command does not position the insertion point at a specific
pixel). The pixel column used is determined by multiplying the width of
the widest character in the font by the [column]. The pixel row used is
determined by multiplying the height of the font by [row + Metrics: line
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 24