Placing Components
Multicap 9 User Guide 4-15
To move a component by dragging:
1. Click and hold the left mouse button on the desired component. The component is selected
with a dashed line.
Note A component’s symbol and labels can be moved independently or together — if you
plan to move the component, be sure the whole component is selected, not just its
label. Refer to “4.4.4 Selecting Placed Components” on page 4-13 for details.
2. Drag the component to the desired location.
3. Release the mouse button when the ghost image is in the desired location.
To move a component’s label:
1. Click and hold the left mouse button on the desired label. The label is selected as
illustrated below.
As you drag the mouse, a ghost image of the
selected part appears attached to the cursor,
along with a dashed line that connects the
ghost image to the selected component’s
original location. To toggle this feature, see “
Showing/Hiding ‘Move’ Lines” on page 4-16.
Selected label