Component Editing
8-2 Electronics Workbench
8.1 Introduction to Component Editing
You can edit components in Multicap using the following methods:
Component Wizard — used to create and edit new components. For details see “8.2
Adding Components with the Component Wizard” on page 8-3
Component Properties dialog box — used to edit existing components and is accessed
from the
Database Manager dialog box. For details, see “8.3 Editing Components” on
page 8-10.
You can modify any component stored in the Multicap component database. (See Chapter 7,
“Components” for more information on this database.) For example, an existing component
might now be available in a new package (originally pin-through hole, now surface mount).
You can easily copy the component information and change only the package details to create
this new component. You can also create your own component and place it into the database
or load a component from another source.
You cannot edit the
Master Database. However, you can copy components to the corporate or
user database and then modify them as desired.
Tip Where possible, we recommend that you modify an existing, similar component, rather
than create one.
Each component in the component database is identified by the following types of
information, each of which are in a specific tab in the
Component Properties dialog box. These
are described in subsequent sections of this chapter.
• general information (such as name, manufacturer, date and author)
• symbol (pictorial representation of the component for schematic capture)
• footprint (the package that Multicap uses when exporting a schematic containing this
component to a PCB Layout package such as Ultiboard)
• user fields (if used to further define the components)
In addition, components can be organized by using the
Database Manager which lets you:
• add and remove component families from the
User or Corporate databases
• modify user field titles for any database
• add and change family icons.
Note If you modify any information about a component in the
Master Database, you must
store the modified information in the
User Database or Corporate Database database.
Caution If you modify information about any component in the
Corporate Database or User Database, you are prompted for a
new name for the component. If you do not give a new name,
Multicap saves the changes to the original location, so the
User Database or Corporate Database component
information is overwritten.