Adding Components with the Component Wizard
Multicap 9 User Guide 8-3
Tip You can also edit components that you have already placed on the workspace. This can
be done using the component’s properties dialog box (double-click on the component to
display) and changing parameters in the various tabs. Changes made to placed
components in this manner will not be reflected in the database. If you place the same
component from the database, it will contain the parameters that it had before it was
edited. Edits to individual components can also be made via the
Spreadsheet View.
8.2 Adding Components with the Component
Multicap includes a Component Wizard to step you through the process of creating a
To create a component:
1. Click the
Create Component button in the Main toolbar.
Tools/Component Wizard.
Component Wizard appears.
• Enter the component name and author.
• Enter a brief description in the
Function box that will identify the component.