Online Help
Multicap 9 offers a full help file system to support your use of the product.
Help/Multicap Help to display the help file that explains the Multicap 9 program in
detail, or choose
Help/Component Reference to display the help file that contains details on all
the component families provided with Multicap 9. Both are standard Windows help files,
offering a table of contents and index.
In addition, you can display context-sensitive help by pressing F1 from any command or
window, or by clicking the
Help button on any dialog box that offers it.
Adobe PDF Files
The User Guide and the Component Reference Guide, are provided on the documentation CD
as Adobe PDF files. To open PDF files, you will need Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader program,
available for download at www.adobe.com.
License Agreement
Please read the license agreement found at www.electronicsworkbench.com carefully before
installing and using the software contained in this package. By installing and using the
software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. If you do not agree to the
terms of this license, simply return the unused software within ten days to the place where you
obtained it and your money will be refunded.