10-6 Electronics Workbench
4. Select the desired options in the
Save to Database Options box:
Do not save imported parts — imports the Ulticap parts without saving them to any of
the Multicap databases.
Save imported parts — saves the imported Ulticap parts to the selected Multicap
5. In the
Use Grid Size box, select one of:
50 Mil — places the Ulticap parts and the connected wires on a 50 mil grid. This will
result in fewer importation errors, but some parts may appear quite large.
100 Mil — places the Ulticap parts and the connected wires o a 100 mil grid. Symbols
will be smaller in size, but more importation errors may occur after the file is
imported, as shown below:
Tip Double-click on an error to highlight and zoom to it on the workspace.
6. Click
OK to import the file. The following dialog displays duration importation of the
Ulticap file. If desired, click
Abort to cancel.
10.5 Internet Design Sharing
Multicap’s Internet Design Sharing module allows you to share your designs with other
Multicap users, and to control the PC of other users.
This module offers a way to share designs within a workgroup or department, allowing
multiple people to work on a design at the same time and see the changes made to the circuit
by others. Electronics Workbench’s support department can also use this module to run
Multicap on your PC, helping them diagnose any problems you might be encountering.
To use Multicap’s
Internet Design Sharing capability, you must have access to a network or the
Internet, and have the free Microsoft application Netmeeting installed. To install a copy of
this product, go to http://www.microsoft.com/netmeeting.