Schematic Capture - Basics
4-40 Electronics Workbench
4. Click elsewhere on the circuit window to stop adding text.
To delete text, right-click on the text box and choose
Delete from the pop-up menu that
appears, or select the text and press D
ELETE on your keyboard.
To change the color of text, right-click on the text box, choose Pen Color from the pop-up
menu that appears, and choose the desired color. For details, see “3.3.4 Pop-up From a
Selected Text Block or Graphic” on page 3-15.
To change the font options for the text, right-click on the text box, choose
Font from the
pop-up menu that appears, and choose the desired font options.
4.9.5 Adding a Comment
Adding a comment permits "redlining", which can be used to show engineering change
orders, to facilitate collaborative work among team members, or to allow background
information to be attached to a design.
You can “pin” a comment to the workspace, or directly to a component. When a component
with an attached comment is moved, the comment also moves.
To pin a comment to a component or the workspace:
1. Select
2. Move the cursor to the desired location and click to place the comment.
Comment “pinned” to component.
If component is moved, the comment
moves with it.
Comment placed on