Schematic Capture - Basics
4-6 Electronics Workbench
4. To confirm that this is the component you want to place, click
OK. (To cancel placing the
component, click
Close). The browser closes and the cursor on the circuit window changes
to a ghost image of the component you wish to place. This indicates that the component is
ready to be placed.
Note If you are placing a component whose package includes multiple sections (for
example, four separate gates, as in the above example), a dialog box displays, where
you specify which of the sections you want to place. For a more detailed description of
the dialog’s functionality, refer to “ Multisection Components” on page 4-7.
5. Move your cursor to the location where you want the component placed. The workspace
automatically scrolls if you move your cursor to the edges of the workspace.
Note See also, “ Rotating/flipping a part during placement” on page 4-9.
6. Click on the circuit window where you want the component placed. The component’s
symbol and labels appear (unless you have specified that they are not to be displayed, as
explained in “5.1.1 Displaying Identifying Information about a Placed Component” on
page 5-2), as well as a unique RefDes made up of a letter and number. The letter
represents the type of component and the number is a sequential number that indicates the
order in which the components were originally placed. For example, the first digital
component has the RefDes “U1”, the next is “U2”, the first inductor has the RefDes “L1”,
and so on.
Note If the component you place is a virtual component, it is a different color from real
components. This color is set in the
Sheet Properties dialog box, as explained in
“ Sheet Properties - Circuit Tab” on page 3-24.