Working with Larger Designs
6-48 Electronics Workbench
6.6.1 Setting up Projects
To create a project for circuit files:
1. Choose
File/New Project. The New Project dialog box appears:
2. Specify the name for your project, the folder where the project files are to be stored, and
the folder where backups of the project file are to be placed. If the folders do not already
exist, they will be created. Click the button next to the location fields to browse for the
desired location.
3. To save your project, click
OK. To cancel, click Cancel. The Project View tab of the
Design Toolbox appears.
To add circuit files to the project:
1. Right-click on the
Schematic folder in the project browser. From the pop-up menu that
appears, choose
Add file.
2. A standard file selector window appears. Navigate to the location of the circuit file you
want included in the project, select it and click