Multicap Menus
Multicap 9 User Guide A-5
A.1.2.5 Edit/Paste
Places the contents of the clipboard. The cursor shows a “ghosted” image of the item to be
pasted. Click to indicate where the item is to be pasted.
A.1.2.6 Edit/Delete
Permanently removes selected components or text. Does not place the selection on the
clipboard and does not affect anything currently on the clipboard.
Caution Use the Delete command with care. Deleted information
cannot be retrieved, although a delete, or any other action,
can be recovered using the Undo command.
A.1.2.7 Edit/Select All
Selects all items in the active circuit window.
Tip To select all but a few items, use the
Select All command and then deselect the ones you
don’t want by S
A.1.2.8 Edit/Delete Multi-Page
Displays the Delete Multi-Page dialog box where you select the page to be removed from a
multi-page circuit file. For details, see “6.1.1 Delete Multi-page Dialog Box” on page 6-3.
Caution Use the Delete Multi-Page command with care. Deleted
information cannot be retrieved, although a delete, or any
other action, can be recovered using the Undo command.
A.1.2.9 Edit/Paste as Subcircuit
Pastes the selection on the clipboard as a subcircuit. For details on subcircuits, see “6.2
Hierarchical Design” on page 6-3.
Displays the Find Component dialog box. For details, see “4.8 Finding Components in Your
Circuit” on page 4-32.